#1 — Getting Started With Admin LTE

Chalid Ade Rahman
3 min readNov 9, 2018


Picture 1 : Admin LTE Display Panel

Every single people that work in programing language must know about Admin LTE. I think, this is the best admin panel template and we can use it free. I’ve been work for years and use it for every project. By the way, it’s very simple, easy, and full documentary. It’s good news for people like me that can’t design and shorted our time to build code for admin template.

Let’s talk about how to use it? It’s very simple to use this template.

  1. First you can download it on this link, You can pick all version that you want. But i highly recommend the latest version. But if you wanna do another method you can check on this link.
  2. After you download it, you will get archive file. Put it on folder that you want, then extract. it must be like this.
Picture 2: All File on Admin LTE Folder

Installation done, you can check display of Admin LTE by click on index.html. What about starter.html ? you can use it for build your own admin panel. We can discuss it later.

On that picture, we can see some folder which is store some file inside. I will explain it to you.

  1. Bower_components : Never delete this file when you use this template. This folder contain some file important to build display of Admin LTE. We can call it tools for this template. If you delete it, beside display of your template will be bad, some function on it will not working too.
  2. Build : The second folder is build, Please don’t remove it. This folder contain some file important to customize display of your template that link with dist folder. Some function like DirectChat.js, BoxRefresh.js, PushMenu.js and more store on this folder. So if you remove it, some function on you template will not working.
  3. Dist : The third folder is dist. This folder contain main code for customize your admin panel. There are three folder inside. css, js, and img. This folder indeed used to store all of your customization code and image. You can make new folder inside this folder and put your file there. Don’t remove this folder too.
  4. Documentation : This folder contain documentation for admin-LTE template. if you don’t need it you can remove it for save some storage cause you can check full documentary for this template on Admin LTE Official site.
  5. Pages : This folder contain pages of all Admin LTE feature. You can keep or remove it to save your storage. In another post, i will describe every pages of this template and how use it easy.
  6. Plugin : The last folder is Plugin. This folder same like bower component contain tool for this template like slider, time picker, vector maps, and more. so i not recommended if you remove this folder.

Finally that’s all that i can share to you about Getting Started With Admin LTE. Next post, i will tell you how to easy use this template for your admin panel. See you on another post.

#Chalidaderahman #AdminLTE



Chalid Ade Rahman
Chalid Ade Rahman

Written by Chalid Ade Rahman

PHP Programmer | PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia | Question : chalidade@gmail.com

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